My best friend and I decided to pair up to produce an item that we could sell to our English class. We decided to sell a weight loss beverage that not only helped with weight loss, but also prevented acne.
I thought this was well written considering I was fifteen and she was sixteen years old. We received an "A" for our final grade regardless of how many people in the classroom raised their hand that were willing to buy our product. Yeah, four people out of a class of thirty wasn't all that bad...heh.
I thought this was well written considering I was fifteen and she was sixteen years old. We received an "A" for our final grade regardless of how many people in the classroom raised their hand that were willing to buy our product. Yeah, four people out of a class of thirty wasn't all that bad...heh.
78643 Lumber Jack Lane
Buffalo , NY 30061
January 12, 2004
Archina Sanchez
Wal-Mart Service
7000 Marina Blvd.
Buffalo , NY 30073
Buffalo , NY 30073
I have developed an invention that can quickly gain your company meaningful market shares in Weight Loss Beverages. 12 of the 16 end users surveyed with a sample said that they strongly preferred my invention over Slim Fast and Atkins Advantage. My invention incorporates patentable features that will give you a long term competitive advantage and enable your company to make an excellent return on investment. This beverage is a weight loss drink and it also fights and prevents acne. I am seeking to license my invention exclusively. A trial product is available for review. Please contact me to discuss putting a non-disclosure agreement in place so I can share more detailed information.
Thank you for this opportunity.
Chelsea Wells and Jessica Cook
(808)643-2367- Daytime
(808) 245-8472- Evening